Our Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

Mission Statement

The Cooper community supports the growth of all students to think critically and function as empathetic, respectful, and responsible global citizens.

Student Mission Statement

As a Cooper student, I strive to think critically and function as an empathetic, respectful, and responsible global citizen.

Vision Statement 

Cooper Middle School creates a caring culture for families, students, and staff.  We are committed to collaborating with one another to meet the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of our students.  We integrate meaningful learning experiences which foster students’ curiosity and develop their communication and collaborative skills.

Core Values/Beliefs

Our approach centers on the whole child with the goal of helping students:

  • Achieve high academic standards in a highly-engaged learning environment
  • Develop timeless character qualities
  • Learn responsibility
  • Value perseverance and persistence (growth-mindset)
  • Grow socially and emotionally