Mrs. Prosper Recognized as FCPS CARES of the Month Recipient!
October 2024 Region 1 Recipient

Congratulations to Mrs. Paula Prosper on her recognition as the October 2024 FCPS CARES Region 1 Recipient of the Month, presented by the FCPS Department of Human Resources.
The FCPS CARES Program allows parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story below so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees.
Below is the write-up submitted by a Cooper MS parent.
"Mrs. Prosper compassionately and creatively helped my son to see his teachers as warm and caring people. My son is struggling with a long-term illness and anxiety about attending school since he misses a lot. Mrs. Prosper has kept in close touch via email, and even insisted that it was convenient for her to stop by our house to work with Max on math. When she stopped by, he wasn't feeling well but gave her some apples we had recently picked. Mrs. Prosper then arranged to make a video of all my son's teachers, sharing the apples, including each of them, plus the school social worker and his guidance counselor, taking an apple and giving my son a brief message of thanks and kindness. This must have taken considerable time and energy, finding each of his teachers and editing the video. For my son, it meant he got to hear words of encouragement from all his teachers and that they were looking forward to seeing him in school. It was a very powerful message."